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7+ Ways to making Home feel more like…home.



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  • SCENARIO: The New Work from Home Office Make-over
  • NARRATOR: RomancePlanner_m
  • CONTRIBUTORS: See list below

TOAI presents planning your romance moments and creating your memories.

If you or your partner are working more from home these days, here are seven ways to infuse comfort, elegance and vibes into your at home workspace. For extra Brownie Points….plan and execute all of this in surprise, while your sweet heart sleeps Sunday night.

Let’s get started.

We assume your partner has already commandeered the dinner table, a small corner desk or maybe one of your kids bedroom. Here are some ideas taken from Pinterests that will certainly help to spruce up any workspace. I’ve added the links to the blogs that inspired me most, in the show notes.

1. Add a corner bookshelf, one of the ideas I found on Pinterest was from They displayed two simple horizontal light colored wood planks supported in the background by black painted shiplap. It was simple but eye catching, and the background made the colorful books and accessories stand out.

2. Get proper lighting, make it shabby-chic or Uber, did you know that you can get bulbs that respond to voice command? Good lighting is really essential. Your sweetie should have sufficient lighting period. Research shows that an adequate amount of light improves mood and energy levels. And those are the two main things you’re going to need from your honey, at the end of the work day. Wink wink.

3. Include inside greenery. We went searching for straw baskets for our inside plants. My wife even named the plants, we research how to keep and care each variety of plan, we got the right substrate and plant food as recommended.

4. Be the building engineer, maximize comfort and reduce workplace injury, by focusing on the height of desk, work worthiness of chair, and the type of floor under that chair. For my wife Aldania, I replaced the carpet in the spare bedroom as a first step to creating her perfect work environment.

5. Add a white board or bulletin board. Your sweetie’s office at work probably had a white board. Get one for the home office too. The one we got was small but useful. It was only 20” x 16” and it was made by U Brands I picked it up at my local office retail store called Staples.

6. Give sweetie an assistant, my wife Aldania uses Alexa as her virtual assistant, — she’ll say things like; Alert me to Stand up and Stretch every hour, or Remind me to call my boss for a recap at 3pm. If you are concerned about privacy, and a lot of us do too. Say — erase everything I said today, before she gives the command to turn off all the lights.

7. Add positive artwork, my wife is from New York, she’s a city girl so the art pieces in her office depict NYC. She said it makes her — get on it.

Bonus. Set water cooler rules. The thing about working from home is the blurred lines between life and work. Sometime we are deep in focus when honey or the kids harmlessly pop in to say hi. We can reduce this a lot, by explaining why it’s important for you to stay focused. Maybe you could put up an IN SESSION sign whenever you’re on a Video Conference call or in the middle of a focus sprint.

The more efficient and comfortable your sweetie is during work hours, the more at easy she will be, off the clock.

Lucille Ball on Youtube
Click here to see the video, then compare life then and now:

Here are the expert who information formed the basis of our research:





Hi I’m Mark Harvey I own a Romance Company…our purpose? mostly to tell love stories.🌴