The Tourist | A chat with Dave Matthews

Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2020


Hosts: Romance Planner Marcus

Podcast Guest(s): Dave Matthews

Song Title: You & Me

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Mark: Hi, I am Romance Planner Marcus, welcome to Two On An Island, on Two On An Island anyone can tell beautiful love stories.

Today, our story comes with a bonus, it’s sweet rhymes from Dave Matthews. The topic [Music] we’re discussing today, is Work-Life-Balance. You too can join the conversation, by leaving us a message on the Anchor App.


Dave: First verse of You & Me.

Mark: Dave, last Sunday night, Aldania and I were watching HGTV, featuring a couple who had moved from Lake Tahoe to the Italian city of Florence. They found a way to work remotely, and to live a more fulfilling life — in a place that sparks joy. Dave, what would you say to convince your partner to…try this?

Mark: I see your point, not living a life fulfilled, that is the existential threat to happiness. Islanders if you could work remotely, where would you take your family?

What city or island would you move to. Aldania and I have already selected the parish in Jamaica, where, one day, we will build our dream home.

Dave: Third verse of Your & Me.

Mark: On Two On An Island, we’ll help you to plan romantic experiences and to tell your beautiful Love Stories. Join us.

Mark: Remember, your love is your island.




Hi I’m Mark Harvey I own a Romance Company…our purpose? mostly to tell love stories.🌴